Sunday, May 23, 2010

Chapter 11 - Systems Development and Project Management

1.Explain the triple constraint and its importance in project management:

The triple constraint refers to the assessment and making time, scope and cost of project changes. The value to project management is that it helps a person to comprehend on how resources are to be assigned in bigger view.

2.Describe the two primary diagrams most frequently used in project planning:

Two primary diagrams that are frequently used include a PERT chart which shows the tasks and relationships of a project. The PERT chart comprises of two things: a dependency and a critical path. The other diagram is a Gantt chart where it is a chart that shows when each task is due to completed. The names of tasks are placed on the vertical side of the chart and the time in which the task is to be completed is placed horizontally.

3.Identify the three primary areas a project manager must focus on managing to ensure success:

When ensuring success a project manager must focus on:
• Managing People
• Managing Communications
• Managing Change

4.Outline 2 reasons why projects fail and two reasons why projects succeed:

Below is a table that I created which illustrates the reasons as to why projects either succeed or fail.

Baltzan, Phillips, Lynch, Blakey. 2010. Business Driven Information Systems. McGraw Hill. Sydney, Australia.

Model Advisor. 2003-2007. Minute Man (Pert Chart). Date Accessed: 30th May 2010.

Seah. 2009. Practical Tidbits for IT Project Management. Date Accessed: 29th May 2010.

Search Software Quality. 2006-2010. Gantt Chart. Date Accessed: 30th May 2010.


  1. Hi thank you for making this post I agree with you that most focus area for manager are Managing People, Managing Communications, Managing Change. very helpful and useful information thank you for this

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